End-of-life care is a topic we’d all love to avoid for as long as possible, but everyone deserves their best health, even in those final moments.
Providers & Health Care Workforce
Our health care system needs to work for our health care providers, too. Read more about how we're working to ensure it does.
Community Roots
With the construction of more hospitals, this home- and community-based approach to health care became less common. Recently, though, there has been a renaissance of community-located care.
Special Solutions to Specialty Care
Many men and women with cancer aren’t as lucky as my mom and disparities in cancer morality and survivorship are well documented—especially among African Americans.
It’s the Water That Moves Us
And I pictured us—primary health care providers, payers, public health professionals, hospitals, specialist providers, behavioral health centers—as individuals all in our own swim lanes.
The Transportation Situation
My sister taught me how to ride a bike. She waited patiently as I found my sense of balance and learned the correct hand signals. As soon as I figured it all out, I was off!