We must make black lives a priority, and hold ourselves accountable for that. Here are several ways you can take action today.
Coverage for Immigrant Women
The Affordable Care Act expanded access to coverage and a lot of women benefited, however, coverage options for immigrant women remain limited.
Make Mental Health A Priority
There’s a lot more to health and happiness than diet and exercise. We could all benefit from focusing more on our own mental health.
Paving the Way for Disability Rights
As a result of the work done through the disability rights movement, especially from the 1970s through the 1990s, legislation in the US was passed to increase access to buildings and public spaces for people with disabilities.
More Than Just a Pretty Smile
In Colorado, data show that 32% of Coloradans haven’t seen a dentist in the last year, and poor oral health is disproportionately experienced among communities of color. Beyond insurance and access, Colorado can and should take important public health steps to promote good oral health.