To win progressive change, including a healthcare system that puts people over profit, we need to build a bigger “we” — a broad and powerful base of people who will fight for democratic control and systems that work for all of us. Center for Health Progress staff and eight of our leaders recently joined 900+ […]
Recovering from 2020
2020 was the longest decade of my life. For ten months we held our breath, and now here we are in 2021–is it safe to exhale yet?
The Coalition for Immigrant Health’s 2021 Priorities
The Coalition for Immigrant Health works to secure the safety and well-being of immigrants and their families across Colorado.
Building Community Power for Policy Change
When we lead from a position of community power, we’re much more likely to be successful, without having to compromise our people or values.
Vote Local
State and local laws are testing grounds for federal policy. Your vote decides how much tax you’ll pay for gas or the property you own.