Perhaps it was some light reading that got me thinking, or perhaps it was the pint of Colorado-brewed bliss in my hand, but I came to the conclusion this weekend that Colorado’s health care system could learn much from Colorado’s craft brewing scene.
Systems Change
Our health care system needs work. Read more about how we're changing the systems that deliver health to Coloradans.
A Conversation About Health is a Conversation About People
The speakers’ comments all share a common theme: they are all about PEOPLE. They remind us that health is not institutions, models, and policies–health is human.
Life Lessons in Health Insurance
At eighteen years old, five weeks into my college career, I was concerned about making new friends, dorm life, cafeteria food, and ten-page papers.
What’s a Health Care Consumer To Do?
At a community presentation a few weeks ago, an audience member asked the panel of experts: “What can I do as a consumer whose dollars are coming out of my own pocket to lower the cost of health care?”
Trust, Relationships, and Why I Avoid Fruit Salad
Really? Anaphylaxis and a blood test isn’t enough proof anymore? When did we get so skeptical about our health care?