Demographic notes use quantitative and qualitative data to outline the potential impact of a bill on preventable disparities.
Our in-depth reports are based on comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research and information gathering.
DACA: A Pro-Health Policy
In the almost six years of its existence, DACA has had a significant positive impact on the health of both our immigrant communities and overall public health. There is a strong connection between DACA policy and immigrant health and safety, access to health coverage and care, and our health care workforce.
Immigration Policy Is Health Policy
As the Trump administration continues to intensify its efforts to curb immigration, Colorado legislators, public health agencies, and health care and advocacy organizations should consider immigration policy as health policy, and show leadership on these issues.
Demographics of Colorado’s Immigrants
Before examining potential options for extending greater health care coverage and/or access to immigrants of varying immigration status in Colorado, we must understand the demographics and insurance status of these populations.
Quality Metrics for Consumer Advocates
In order to fully understand the health care system’s shortcomings and work toward improvement, we need quality metrics.