When community health workers are properly integrated into the health care system, we can expect real, effective change to occur. A little bit of investment in a program like CHWs can make the whole system more functional and stable.
Providers & Health Care Workforce
Our health care system needs to work for our health care providers, too. Read more about how we're working to ensure it does.
Let the Patient Lead
Over the course of my accident-prone life, I’ve visited an above average number of doctor’s offices, emergency rooms, and hospitals.
Power to the Patients, Part II
My son was born on June 12, and at first appeared to be completely healthy. However, four hours later, in the recovery room, we noticed his skin color was turning a worryingly deep shade of burgundy.
Power to the Patients, Part I
What if this is how we cared for people? What if success meant doing right by the people using health care services and always keeping in mind what would make their experience the best it can be?
The Right Care in the Right Place
Over the past 18 months, I received a personal crash course in what it’s like to be a patient or caregiver. From acute situations to an arduous physical therapy regimen, I’ve received a lot of care.